Children’s Issues – Family Law Solicitors
If you’re experiencing a relationship breakdown and there are children involved then it’s important to know your rights as a parent. Cohabiting couples with children may have different rights to married couples and those in a civil partnership particularly if your children were born before December 2003.
When it comes to children arrangements, you can apply to the courts under the Children Act 1989, but it’s much more advisable that you try and come to an agreement using our family mediation service.
It costs a lot less in the long-run and we find the majority of families resolve their disputes this way. Your children will also be given the opportunity to have their wishes and feelings heard of they so wish through this process.
However Children bring a number of issues, these can be relating to arrangements, finances or Child protection. You don’t have to be a parent to consider on going arrangements to see a child. If you already have a relationship with a child such as a grandparent or step-parent.
Whilst you may not have immediate rights this wont prohibit you from instructing a lawyer to act on your behalf or to issue an application to court.
To speak to one of our expert family solicitors, you can either call us on 0151 8 32 32 53 or fill in our contact form and we will call you back.
Contact us

OK, I'm being stopped from seeing my child – what can I do?
Here's our step-by-step guide to secure your parent-child relationship
Seek initial advice from one of our Family Law experts
Consider your options
Referral to Mediation
Seek amicable negoation
Application to Court
Safeguarding Report prepared by CAFCASS
First hearing dispute resolution appointment (FHDRA)
Finding a fact hearing
Final directions hearing
Obtaining Final Order

Below are a list of commonly asked questions asked by our clients

Our Team ARE HERE to help
We attract the best family lawyers and support teams who excel in something they are passionate about. Contact us to find out more below.
To speak to one of our expert Family Law solicitors, you can either call us on 0151 8 32 32 53 or fill in our contact form and we will call you back.
Annabelle Thornley
Trainee Solicitor