Family Mediation

Nowadays, when couples separate – they want to do so with dignity and respect.

Couples who are separating commonly don’t want to go down the expensive route of court and often wish to retain as much control and ownership of the decision making processes that’ll impact their lives in the future, this is where Family Mediation can help.

Even though our legal regulations prevent us from representing you both (conflict of interest), mediation is the best alternative to working with you and your ex, together.

Mediation is the common sense way of resolving family disputes. It provides you a platform where you can engage in a detailed dialogue with your ex which you may be struggling to have due to your break up circumstances. Mediation helps separating couples discuss the sensitive matters you need to address, such as your property or your children.

Family mediation offers a confidential and safe way for you to talk with your ex, but in front of an independent third party who is able to act as a filter between you both. Our mediation process ensures you have your voice heard and gives you lots of information (including legal information applicable to the issues you wish to discuss) so as to equip you with the ability to make your own informed decisions which can subsequently be made legally binding.

Our family mediation process can take many forms; it can be by way of sitting in a room together, via remote video link, you can both be present at the same time OR be seen separately, whereby the mediator will simply shuttle between you.

The process can be adapted to make it as palatable for you as possible. We understand the dialogue you will be having with your ex will be difficult enough and we don’t want you to have to struggle with the actual process itself.

To speak to one of our expert family mediators, you can either call us on 0151 318 1128 or fill in our contact form and we will call you back.

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And let us know how we can help

OK, mediation sounds right for me – what else do I need to know?

Here's our top 10 reasons to try Mediation first:

1. Child Focused

Mediation helps you to keep focused on your children’s needs and not just focus on the adult disputes only.

2. Stay in control

Mediators won't tell you WHAT to do but can help you to chose what are the best options for your future.

3. Children's Wishes

Our mediators can meet with your children and can help with the decisions being made about them.

4. Safe open dialogue

The mediator will give you the ability to say what you want and why but in a safe way without consequence.

5. Your voice is heard

You will both be given the opportunity to ensure you are able to represent your position and be heard without interruption.

6. Work at your pace

You decide how quickly you wish to deal with your affairs. Mediation can often result in decisions being made in 6–8 weeks.

7. Cost effective

You will be charged per session at 90mins/session and on average we need 3 sessions. No other fees are required.

8. Legal Aid is Available

Provided you meet the financial criteria, legal aid is available for mediation. Ask us for more information on eligibility.

9. Know your finances

Mediation will ensure full financial disclosure so you understand all about your finances before making any decisions.

10. Mediation = success

You don’t have to reach an agreement for mediation to be a success. You will make progress consistent with the legal process at every session.


Below are a list of commonly asked questions from couples looking to separate via Mediation

How do I know if mediation is an option for me?
Before you engage in mediation you will have a one to one consultation with the mediator in order to assess the appropriateness of mediation for the issues you seek to bring to the mediation table and in order to check that mediation is appropriate for you as an individual. Most family disputes are appropriate for mediation, however if you have been in an abusive relationship or your ex wont cooperate with the mediator then mediation may not be for you.
I want to come to mediation but I don’t want to see my ex
The mediator will explore with you the reasons why you don’t wish to see your ex in this process and discuss with you Shuttle mediation whereby you will not see your ex in the process but the mediator will relay the conversations between you separately. There are pro’s and cons for this and the mediator will explain these to you at the preliminary MIAMs meet.
I don’t know what my ex has financially. How can I mediate in relation to finances
Before you can look to explore different financial outcomes the mediator will take you through the full financial information needed to be disclosed completely, consistent with the legal process, so that both you and the mediator has thorough insight into your finances picture as a whole before negotiations can take place. If one party fails to produce all of their financial information the mediation process may have to come to an end or any outcome may subsequently be set aside. A Cohabitation Agreement can strengthen your relationship by lessening the worry about what would happen if you do separate, preventing disagreements and avoiding potentially costly Court proceedings.
I don’t want to come to mediation but the court is telling me I have to
Mediation is not compulsory and you do NOT need to come to mediation before you go to court. There are many benefits to mediation and all of the research supports mediation agreements are statistically more likely to be successful and on a longer term basis, than any court imposed order and are better for your children, this is why it is now mandatory to have an initial meet with a mediator on your own to find out more about the process in order to identify if mediation is an option for you. This is called a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting ( MIAMs ) You can elect at the end of this meet not to come to mediation and the mediator can then give you a certificate to confirm that mediation is not appropriate for you which will then allow you to make an application to court.
What can I use mediation for?
Mediation is appropriate for most family disputes whether this be to help you sort out the arrangements for the children, what will happen with your home and whether you can claim on your ex’s pension. We can also meet with your children so that they too can have a say about the arrangements which will be impacting upon them. However mediation can also help you with more discreet family disputes such as inheritance disputes, inter-family disputes such as whether or not a parent ought to go into a care home or stay at home. Mediation is simply a platform for safe dialogue where all worries and concerns can be expressed, discussed and taken into consideration helping you to find palatable compromises and ways forward.

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To speak to one of our family law solicitors, you can either call us on 0151 647 7372 or fill in our contact form and we will call you back.